

Hello there! My name's Mariane, people don't really get to spell my name right on the first try because the combination is pretty unusual. This blog was intended to be a diary of my thrift shopping finds, but after a trip abroad, I looked for an avenue where I could share travel photos, food trips and adventures, which eventually led to the birth of 'The Chronicles of Mariane'.

I am a travel planning nerd - I love preparing for a trip and look forward to things like booking for flights, planning for daily itineraries and activities and budgeting for my trips, so if you want to see the reality of budget DIY travel, look around and I surely have some stuff you could use.

I mostly write about travel and sometimes if the 'budget' permits, I also try to write about food. I admit I am still not very good at writing and blogging, so please bear with me. :) I give details about my travel experiences, itineraries, tips and simple guides to guide the solo and budget female travelers out there who wishes to visit the places I have been to.

I discovered that I have a passion for travel when we first traveled to Hong Kong. I have started this blog last July 2012 with posts more on "fashion" but I realized later on that it wasn't really me. After our trip to South Korea, I started to document my experiences and pictures from our trip there, blogged about it and I found out that I enjoyed it and received really good feedback, which was a plus. Think of this as my personal travel diary and guidebook that will serve as a memorabilia when the old age comes and I can't remember all the places that I have visited.

I have always hated the saying that 'travel is only for the rich.' I have heard it since I was young and want to prove that the masses can also enjoy traveling, it doesn't need to be a trip abroad or to some very expensive resort. Sometimes, the greatest trips can be done at the comfort of your own city.

Nice to meet you and hope to see more of your presence here in the blog! You may follow me via Facebook.